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Friday, September 24, 2010

First house I ever did a screen shot of.

This is a house I built on a free shard a couple years ago (which is no longer in existence). This was the culmination of a lot of ideas, and combining a lot of "high points" of several different houses that I had been recently admiring. This was my first home I ever thought to take a screen shot of. I was primarily motivated by the fickle nature of free shards, and the immense amount of time that I put into it. This was all experimental, and I did not use UO House Builder or anything to try it out first, so it was mostly build here, adjust there. I can't really guess at the amount of time I put into it, but it was ridiculous. The deco was even more time consuming, both in acquisition and placement. I edited the screen shot with Paint (and left a big line through the middle, oh well)

I did use a yard wand on the exterior (which, if you have never been on a free shard, you have never seen - most free shards do not even offer them).

Here is the interior of the first floor.

Interior of second floor

And the third floor.

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